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  • jfmv7632

Using Buck v. Bell (1927) as an argument for why vaccines should never be mandated.

Wrote this after seeing headlines like this

If you haven't heard of this case Mr. Beat has a great video explaining it here. In short it instituted compulsory sterilization for those considered unfit "for the protection and health of the state" (aka "The Greater Good")

As a strong defender of individual liberty I believe that individual rights always trump that of the greater good (unless in situations in which the NAP is violated). In this case however the greater good won out and a precedent was set that people could be forcibly sterilized against their will if it was considered to benefit the future of the human race (scary stuff, especially if you are someone with a disability like I am). A huge factor in this case was the science of the time, eugenics was considered acceptable and was mainstream science at the time.

What does this have to do with today you may be asking? People forget that this case was decided just over 94 years ago a near blink of an eye in the grand scheme of human history. I feel that every era runs into the trap that it's science is perfect and the best that science can possibly be. As we see from this case however that is far from the truth. As the long term impact of the vaccine is unknown currently it is, in my eyes, okay to be hesitant to take it, especially if it does end up having potentially debilitating side effects.

On a personal level I am fully vaccinated and will take whatever booster shots are recommended in the future since I think the long term impact of having COVID-19 is going to be worse than that of the long term impact of taking the vaccine. I personally believe it should be up to each individual to make their own choice about it though and not have anything forced upon them without their consent, which is what happened to many people with intellectual disabilities as a result of this case in regards to forced sterilization.

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